Resources for all career stages
Careers in research look different for everyone. Your career journey might not be linear, and your professional development needs will be individual to you.

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Whether you are brand new to research, looking to develop and progress, or you are a research leader, our resources are designed to help you. You can search or browse our resources by topic and career stage.
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Start with you
Our resources focused on you and your development will help you get started with professional development and career planning, and will help you develop the key personal and professional attributes needed for careers in research.

Skills for doing research
Careers in research require the development of a range of practical skills related to the research itself, its management, and its outputs and impact.
Our resources can help you focus on developing the valuable skills needed to progress in your career.

Working in research
Our guides are full of practical information and tips to help you make decisions, whatever your current career stage.
Being part of a research community
Developing the skills to work with a wide range of people, communities and collaborators can be key to navigating a career in research.
The Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF)
The framework describes the knowledge, behaviour and attributes of successful researchers.
The Vitae Researcher Development Framework
Using our resources as a Researcher Developer
Our resources are designed to be used by those who support researcher development as part of their roles. You might use the resources by:
- Linking to specific resources in your training and learning materials
- Using the Vitae RDF or Vitae RDF planner with your researchers
- Signposting resources to researchers