Log in to access member-only content and benefits.
RDF Planner user? Log in with your RDF Planner username and password.
Forgotten your password? You can reset it here. NB: you will be taken to the Vitae RDF Planner website as this application handles log ins for the Vitae website. This will reset your password for the Vitae website even if you do not have an RDF Planner account.
Had an account as a non-member, but now can’t log in? We have simplified access to our resources and removed the need for non-members to log in to access certain content (this is now all open access). If you are part of a membership organisation, you can create a new account with your university/institute email address to access member-only content and benefits.
Vitae membership extends to all staff and students of a member organisation. If you are at a Vitae membership organisation please sign up for an account for full access to resources and benefits. Use your university/institute email address so that we can recognise you.
Not part of a Vitae membership organisation? Encourage your organisation to join Vitae for full access. In the meantime you can still subscribe to our newsletters.
This site shares a registration process with the RDF Planner. If you already have an RDF Planner account, do not re-register, simply log in.
Click here to view our password policy ↗