Terms and conditions of Vitae membership
– Vitae, a membership programme managed by the Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. CRAC is a not-for-profit registered UK charity, incorporated and registered in England and Wales, company number 00825036, registered charity number 313164. The registered office is at 22 Signet Court, Swanns Road, Cambridge, CB5 8LA, United Kingdom; and
– Organisation refers to the subscribing member institution.
Membership Users are those staff or researchers employed or registered at the Organisation that is a subscribed member.
Subscription Year is the UK academic year from 01 August to 31 July. If you wish your membership to start before the 01 August in any year then the additional months can be added onto the first full year’s subscription.
Effective Date is the date on which Membership commences.
Named account contacts
The Vitae membership team will liaise with the named account contacts of the Organisation. The Organisation shall provide Vitae with details of the Named account contacts. It is the Organisation’s responsibility to keep these details up to date.
Rights granted to the Organisation
Subject to the Organisation paying the annual subscription fee and complying in all other respects with the terms and conditions (herein), Vitae hereby grants the Organisation during their subscription:
- a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to permit Membership Users at the Organisation to access to the Vitae Membership online resources (please note that Membership Users must register online using their organisational email to gain full access to membership resources)
- a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to download and/or print off the resources available on the website (as applicable) to use solely for the Organisation’s own internal non-commercial use.
Data Protection
Each party shall comply with its obligations under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) in respect of any personal data it processes pursuant to these terms and conditions. Vitae has published a Privacy Policy which tells you what to expect when CRAC collects your personal information.
Vitae will provide the names of the Named account contacts and any other key contacts to staff members within the Organisation.
Vitae may provide the names of the Named account contacts and any other key contacts to the Vitae regional representative to facilitate regional networking.
The Organisation must inform Vitae if it does not wish for the name of the Organisation to be listed on the Vitae website as a subscriber to Vitae Membership.
Charges and Payment
The Organisation shall pay the applicable subscription fee to CRAC in consideration of the rights granted.
The Membership Subscription fees are based on the number of researchers (doctoral and research staff) registered or employed at the Organisation that is provided at the time of joining and confirmed by CRAC. The number of researchers will be reviewed every three years.
The Organisation shall provide CRAC with valid, up-to-date and approved purchase order details.
The Organisation shall pay all invoices issued by CRAC in accordance with these terms and conditions within 30 days of the invoice date and before the Effective Date.
If CRAC has not received payment within 30 days of the due date, and without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of CRAC, CRAC may, without liability to the Organisation, disable the Organisation’s access to the Membership Subscription.
CRAC reserves the right to accrue interest on such due amounts at an annual rate equal to 3% over the then current base lending rate of CRAC’s bankers in the UK at the date the relevant invoice was issued, commencing on the due date and continuing until fully paid, whether before or after judgment.
Vitae Membership is non-transferable.
Vitae reserves the right to modify the Membership offering at any time.
All amounts and fees:
(a) shall be payable in pounds sterling;
(b) are non-cancellable and non-refundable;
(c) are exclusive of value added tax, which shall be added to CRAC’s invoice(s) at the appropriate rate where applicable.
Cancelling your subscription
Your membership subscription will be automatically renewed annually on a 12-month basis (01 August to 31 July). To cancel your annual subscription you must do so by writing to us at membership@vitae.ac.uk giving one month’s notice. Subscriptions cannot be cancelled part way through the subscription year.