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Research knowledge and practice

Practice and knowledge of research will inform your journey as a researcher.

Our guides below cover all aspects to research knowledge and practice.

Take the time to familiarise yourself with such topics as disciplinary knowledge and information literacy.

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Disciplinary knowledge

Learn how to develop and progress your knowledge of your discipline.

Research methods

Read our guide on improving your research methods to enhance your research.

Information literacy

Information literacy and management are vital to undertaking successful research. Read more to enhance your information literacy.

Academic literacy, numeracy and language

Having competent literacy, numeracy and language skills are vital to performing thorough research.

Critical analysis

The skills of analysis and synthesis are used frequently throughout research to review and analyse literature and data. Read more to understand how you can improve these necessary skills.

Argument construction and intellectual risk in research

This guide unpacks the methods to construct arguments, why they are important, and how to protect yourself from intellectual risk while challenging the status quo.

Critical thinking and evaluation

Being aware of your patterns of thought, and how other researchers have developed their research through certain modes of thinking, is a crucial skill to practice sharpening your research.

Innovation in research

Unleash your creativity in your work – read more on how you can begin to do this.

Using problem solving in research

Your ability to problem-solve will define how you meet these challenges. Like all skills, problem solving can be developed.